API Docs

API Base URL: https://api.signupgenius.com/v2/k/

SignUpGenius provides a key-based API for SignUpGenius Pro subscribers that allows them to access their sign up data programmatically. Your account API key can be found by logging into SignUpGenius and going to API Management section of the 'Pro Tools' area.

To test the API calls below, you can use the following demo key: V0FzMkxZcmVOZlVnclZMVEl6dGhWQT09

NOTE: If you are looking to integrate SignUpGenius across multiple user accounts, contact us about our OAuth implementation.

Sample Request

curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" "https://api.signupgenius.com/v2/k/user/profile/?user_key=V0FzMkxZcmVOZlVnclZMVEl6dGhWQT09"